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Pulse Research Lab

PI-5800/PI-2000 Software Compatibilities

The PI-2000 can be used as a direct replacement for the PI-5800.This document covers the PI-5800 commands supported by the PI-2000 and the additional commands required over the IEEE-488 interface when Pulse Instruments' PI-PAT software is not being used. All commands described in this document can be sent to the PI-2000 in lower case or ALL CAPITAL letters. Spaces are ignored. All commands sent to the PI-2000 must be terminated with a carriage return and line feed. All information sent back to your controller will be terminated similarly. So, the typical command structure will be: RUN\r\n

PI-5800A Commands Supported


Command LineFunction
CLEAR extension

Clears memory and resets data generator. Extension defines SP, INST, CHANNEL, FORMAT. No extension clears all

DEFINE SP x(y-z)Sets up Subpattern x starting at bit position y and being z bits long
LOAD CHANNEL xSelects channel (x) that will be loaded with data.

Points at bit x position to begin loading data.

Position can be defined as START or END of subpattern or CHANNEL number.

(binary data) * xLoads data defined in parenthesis x times in the channel and bit location selected.
x BEGIN yInstruction Line (x) and establishes reference number (y) for the program.
x SP y * zInstruction Line x Subpattern y to repeat z times
x REPEAT y * zInstruction Line x repeat line y through (x-1)z times
COMPILE xcompiles/loads program x to run.
UPDATESends data into pattern memory.
RUNRuns pattern continuously.
PERIOD x unitsSets the internal clock period to x NS, US, or MS
CHANNEL x formatSets format of channel x to INVERT, NONINV, RZ OR NRZ

New PI-2000 GPIB Commands

Command LineFunction
POWERDOWNThis command shuts down the operating system to prepare the PI-2000 to be powered down.
RUNMODERequest the run mode condition. Responses are: "Stopped", "Running", "Paused", "WaitSeq", "WaitStep", "WaitPause", "WaitStop", "WaitRun".
CLKINTSelects internal clock
CLKEXTTTLSelects external clock with TTL thresholds
CLKEXTECLSelects external clock with ECL thresholds
STASTP xEnables/Disables Start/Stop from rear panel. 0=disabled, 6=enabled
SEQUENCERuns through the instruction set once from the beginning or from the point the instruction set was paused.
PAUSEStops the instruction set at the end of the line being executed.
STEP xStep through x subpattern of the instruction sequence

GPIB Command Mismatches

The following are commands that are interpreted slightly differently in the PI-2000.

Command LineDifference
RUN xThe PI-2000 requires a variable after the RUN to indicate Run From Start (0) or Run From Paused(1).
STOPThe PI-2000 resets to the first instruction line. This would replace the STOP followed by COMPILE x commands in the PI-5800.
PAUSEThis PI-2000 command is equivalent to the PI-5800 STOP command. This will stop at the end of an instruction line. The command to restart from this instruction line is RUN 1.

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